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Sirian Activation

Channeled Welcome Message from the Sirians

We are beside you now, as we have always been. We have always shared a connection for we have known each other through time. As you entered this incarnation your memory of us was clouded, allowing you to follow the path you had chosen for yourself, but now, at this time, as was agreed in times past, this connection shall be returned.

We shall work together in unison, coming together for expansion and growth for all of mankind. There are many changes occurring in your world at this time, many that cannot yet be seen by the human eye. you have a role to play in these things and together we shall do all that is necessary. Allow us to guide you forward, to show you the path that you chose for yourself.
Feel the excitement as we speak of these things, the remembering within your soul of a purpose greater than many can imagine. You knew what would be possible. You knew the power that you held within yourself, and as these plans were made you were excited, you were exhilarated and ready. We are excited to work together once again to help you to experience all that will be possible in this lifetime, to fulfill all that you had hoped.

Know that in the past our bond has been close, a familial bond echoing through lifetimes. As we come together today with the intention of once again revisiting this bond, allowing it once again to strengthen each of us, we give gratitude for this opportunity. We ask that you welcome us into your life. Make space and time to communicate with us, for the more it is so the stronger our bond will be. The more we will rebuild the trust and familiarity we have known. This is an exciting time for you and for us and we are excited to begin.

Channeled Meditation from the Sirians

A channeled meditation from the Sirians to join your energy with theirs. This galactic connection is a permanent doorway to both the 3 Sirian planets and your personal Sirian guides.

This is the first part of the activation, please make time to listen to this meditation prior to your remote attunement. This meditation will connect and align your energy with Sirian energies. It is advised to listen to this somewhere peaceful where you can relax, it can be emotional and all respond differently to his energy so please allow yourself time for this process.

You have permanent access to this page and can use this meditation as often as you feel guided to.

Your Remote Attunement

A remote energetic session to calibrate your energetic body will be conducted with Metatron. Specific adjustments will be made to your energy to maximize your connection to Sirian energy. This process takes about 30 minutes, we advise sitting or laying somewhere peaceful where you will not be disturbed while we complete this process. Once the activation is complete please drink some water and give yourself quiet time to absorb the experience. *Please note that there is no Zoom or phone call included in this process.

Occasionally for some people the activation energies can trigger a clearing and release of energies that have been trapped. If you experience a strong emotional or physical reaction like this please let us know so that we can help to calm this for you.

Energetic Protection

It is important to note that as your light brightens, and as you bring more light into the world, the more visible you become to darker energies. A daily energy protection practice is an important part of feeling and being your best. Here is the protection routine that we use each morning and evening.

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